Oxford Phonics World is the first step on your students' journey into English, leading through all 44 sounds.Language Level: BeginnerOver 150 Phonics Friends - an angry apple, a big bear, and others - help children remember English sounds.Action songs, chants, and games encourage children to discover connections between English sounds and letters.Active class activities develop children's listening, speaking, reading, writing, and spelling skills and provide opportunities to apply them.#子どもチャレンジ#英語教材#英語絵本#外国語#おうち英語#Usborne#Benesse#English#dwe#wwk#ort#英検#英語 #DWE #ワールドワイドキッズ#WWK#幼児英語#児童英語#こども英語#oxford#英語育児#razkids#公文#英語教育テキスト#KUMON#Cambridge#ベネッセ